Advanced Search

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To do this in the search box.
Type the important words: tri-colour rat terrier
Put exact words in quotes: “rat terrier”
Type OR between all the words you want: miniature OR standard
Put a minus sign just before words that you don’t want: -rodent, -“Jack Russell”
Put two full stops between the numbers and add a unit of measurement: 10..35 kg, £300..£500, 2010..2011
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Search one site (like ) or limit your results to a domain like .edu, .org or .gov

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Search for terms in the whole page, page title or web address, or links to the page you’re looking for.

any format

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not filtered by licence

Find pages that you are free to use yourself.

Introducing Advanced Search Google – the ultimate tool for all your online search needs. With Advanced Search Google, you can now easily filter and refine your search results to find exactly what you’re looking for in a matter of seconds. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and sifting through irrelevant results. With Advanced Search Google, you have the power to narrow down your search by specific file types, dates, languages, and even usage rights. Whether you’re searching for a specific document, image, or video, our advanced filters make it easy to find exactly what you need. But that’s not all – Advanced Search Google also allows you to search within a specific website or domain, making it perfect for research and academic purposes. You can also exclude certain words or phrases from your search, ensuring that you get the most accurate results every time. Our intuitive interface and advanced algorithms ensure that you get the most relevant and up-to-date results, saving you time and effort. Plus, our search technology is constantly evolving and improving, so you can trust that you’re getting the best results every time. Upgrade your search experience with Advanced Search Google and discover a whole new level of efficiency and accuracy. Perfect for students, professionals, and anyone who wants to take their online searches to the next level. Try it now and see the difference for yourself

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Audi for sale in Zimbabwe
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Audi for sale in Zimbabwe
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Audi for sale in Zimbabwe
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Audi for sale in Zimbabwe
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